sábado, 3 de mayo de 2014

My Manifesto

Maria Paula Acosta Gomez
Ms. Sierra Melcher
3 May 2014
Social Studies
“One day, you’re 17 and you’re planning for someday. And then quietly, without you ever really noticing someday is today. And then someday is yesterday. And this is your life” (John Green). Life goes fast, it is impossible to notice how fast life goes on. One day you are 15 and without noticing the next day you are already 30. That is why you have to make choices. Life is about decision-making and taking risks. Life is about the choices you take, some of them might be good, you might fail in others, but the most important thing is to learn about those bad decisions you have taken. You cannot let the bad moments and memories destroy you. You cannot let people interfere in your life. You cannot let yourselves be sad in your own life. Life goes quick and being depressed, sad, and hurt is not a choice. Through life you start learning about the things that are valuable and the ones that are not. You start noticing who are the people who are true to you and would support you in every way. You also start noticing those who you love to death but it is better not to have them by your side, you have to say goodbye to them but you keep the best moments and memories. “If you are depressed you are living in the past. If you are anxious you are living in the future. If you are at peace you are living in the present” (Lao Tzu). In order to have a good and healthy life I have learn that you can’t live in the past. Nothing is forever, everything is temporary and you have to stick that in your head. You cannot be stuck in the past waiting for something that is not happening. The past can hurt and you have to choose whether to learn from it or live in it. You have to move on and forget the people who forgot you and love the ones who really love you. Those who love you are the ones who will ever be there for you supporting you in every decision you take. You have to learn to control your feelings and to control the people surrounding you. School had taught me that you can’t force people to be with you. The ones who want to be with you will find a way, and those who not, there is no possibility that they will stay. School had taught me that you have to be happy. Do whatever makes you happy, whatever fulfills you the most and whatever takes the best out of you. There is no time to focus on negative persons. During high school, I lost many friends, but at the same time, I gain new ones. Be grateful for your friends. My friends made me stronger and helped me during the most difficult times. They were there when the rest were gone. Appreciate school, during school you gain the most faithful and truly friends, those who know you since you are three years old, those who know you like their own, and those who will tell you what is the best for you, even though you ignore their advice. School has also taught me that every good thing requires sacrifice and time. Your parents need a lifetime to form you as a good person with good values and good manners. Your parents are a perfect example of sacrifice and love. So, love them, love them, as there was no tomorrow.

My advice is to live life to the fullest. Focus on the positive people, focus on your family, focus on your friends, focus on nature, focus on animals. Focus on the beautiful things the planet has. Time is short and life passes by. You want to remember your life like the one you loved, the one you took risks, not the one in which you suffered. Do whatever makes you happy, follow your dreams. If you are not happy with something, change it. Be a good person, give people hope. Make people love you. Be good to the environment, this is the only living planet. Love everything that surrounds you, be grateful for what you have and for every new day.
During these 17 years, I have learned a lot. I have learned from my family, from my friends, from my school, from my teachers, from my enemies. All of them taught me a life lesson. I encourage the people reading my manifesto to be themselves, because those who matter don’t mind, and those who mind don’t matter. Don’t let yourselves be changed because some stereotype, don’t go with the flow, mark your own destiny. I have converted into a person that is down to earth, responsible, loving, helpful, friendly, but still I am filled with mistakes that I am trying to change them. Don’t hate your defects they are part of who you are. And remember follow your dreams.

  Work Cited:
Green, John. "The 50 Best Life Quotes... Ever - Curated Quotes." Curated Quotes. Curated Quotes, n.d. Web. 03 May 2014. <http://www.curatedquotes.com/life-quotes/>.

Lao Tzu. "The 50 Best Life Quotes... Ever - Curated Quotes." Curated Quotes. Curated Quotes, n.d. Web. 03 May 2014. <http://www.curatedquotes.com/life-quotes/>.