lunes, 24 de marzo de 2014

Malasya Airlines

No Survivors on Malasya Airlines Crash

Malasya Airlines announces that there are none survivors from their Boeing 777. It was announced that the airplane definitely crashed into the Indian Ocean. Even though it is not know were precisely the airplane felt, they know that it was in the Indian Ocean. The near satellites recieved the signals from those territories. Many countries have confirmed that they wont stop the search. The Malasyan government affirmed that they still need to give the families the response about what happened to the plane and where did their families felt. The United States has sent devices of the best technology to make the process more efficient.

The Malasyan airplane crash was a conversation subject for everyone. The theory of the plane being hijacked was very present. Now the Malasyan government announced that there was no hijack but who knows. There could be a possibility that the government is hidding the real reason of what happened to the plane. In many other news articles it has been said that there has been a lot of information about the crash that has not been published or shared to the media. Judge yourselves.

MLA Citation (Image and News)
Unknown. "Malaysia Airlines anuncia que el Boeing desaparecido cayó en el Índico y da el pésame a las familias.", 2014. Web. 24 Mar 2014. <>.

Economic Hit Men

Economic Hit Men

Image took from:
Confessions of an Economic Hit Men is a book written by former economic hit man John Perkins. This book is about how the United States really got into power. It is not by how we think they did. Just think about every thing bad a nation can do and believe that everything that you thought about was done by the US. John Perkins knew really well how this business run. He was sent to several countries to make them buy the idea that the US will help them in exchange of their natural (and not so valuable for them) resources.

Two perfect examples of this is Panama and Ecuador. Both countries had previous presidents that were affected by the Economic Hit Man powers. They washed their brains and obtain petroleum and forest from these countries and in exchange they got ¨development¨. Once these presidents ended their term, two others came into power. These two presidents had a totally different view of their resources. They believed their resources must be exploited in order to help their own people, not to be sent to a foreign country. Obviously, the United States did not like this and had to take control of the action. The United States tried to talk with the former presidents, but it was impossible. So, they were judged as communists and killed. Strangely, both of the presidents died in an airplane crash, strangely both of them were fighting against the US power, strangely both of them decided not to reconcile, strangely both died. What did really happened US, can you guys give us a respond?

domingo, 16 de marzo de 2014

What gives you power?

What gives you power?

There are many different things that give you power in different cultures. In the middle east it might be if you are a men you have the power. Your skin color can also determine power. There are many factors that determine the power you are given. Society should be able to treat everyone equally, ignoring the different qualities each person has. 

In the Colombian factor I believe the factor that gives you power is your wealth. Here, if you have money you have everything. If you have money, you are able to buy whatever you want, even politicians to make laws in your favor. I would like to ignore the fact that our country is corrupt, but it is an ugly truth that each Colombian has to accept and try to eliminate. 

What is my race?

What is my race?

During my social studies class, my classmates and I had been watching some videos about what is race, and how this concept of "race" determine the lifestyles of some people. The video Power of an Illusion, shows how the white powerful ones had used biology to determine the better, greater and prettier race. This concept has affect thousands of african descendants around the whole globe. Because not being white in this society is a disadvantage. A disadvantage that will make you feel lower and less wanted and all just because you are not white.

In my case I believe I am very fortunate on being "white". Being white brings a lot of priviledges in my country. I dont really pay attention to them until I watch the video in my social studies class. But thanks that I am white, people give me more respect and importance. It is very unfortunate that in our country people pay attention tou your skin color.

sábado, 8 de marzo de 2014


Syrian Forces Take Strategic Town From Rebels

Image taken from Aljazeera
The Syrian military forces have gain the town of Zara. A town from several that have been managed lately by the rebels. The rebels plan and do terrorist attacks from these cities located in the west part of the Syrian country. 

The Syrian forces have gain a rebel managed town located in the province of Homs. Zara is the name of the town in which for about a month has been center of intense attacks. The Syrian press assures that with the regain of this territory peace would be restored in the West territory of Syria. The re gain of these territories is very good for the Syrian society because it means that no more attacks would be happening in this part of the country. By no more attacks it also means that there would be no more innocent lifes paying the price, and no more sadness of families who have lost their loved ones for war. 

MLA citation:
No Author. "Syrian forces take strategic town from rebels." Aljazeera. Disqus. 8 March 2014. Web. 8 March 2014.<>.


Lemon Tree

Movie: Lemon Tree

Image taken from
The movie Lemon Tree reflects the conflict between Israel and the Israeli occupied territories (Gaza Strip, Golan Heights and the West Bank). The movie is based in the life of Salma Zidane, a Palestinian woman who lives in the Israel- West Bank border. She owns a lemon grove, which her family has been in charge of for 50 years. She is a widow and her sons have grown and left home, she feels lonely. The conflict starts when the Defense Minister of Israel moves to a beautiful house located in the border with the West Bank, just besides the defense wall and Salma's lemon grove. The lemon grove appears to be dangerous for the Minister's life so Salma is reached and told that she must give up her grove for the Minister's security. Lemon Tree reflects the conflict between these territories because it shows the importance and power Israel has over the Palestinian people. Salma Zidane had worked the grove for many years and the Israeli government was taking it from her. By taking her grove, they were taking Salma's life, her memories, her good moments, her family, her dignity and her hope. It is important to say that Salma fought for her grove, and even though she was a woman she was able to regain part of her lemons. In the middle east society women are not treated equally and the fact that one woman by herself without any support was able to win a case against such a powerfull country such as Israel. It is shown that for this conflict it is more powerfull the wellbeing of Israel than the onw of the Palestinians. Salma had worked those lands for 50 years and an Israeli went in one day and took her land away. Palestinians should be trated the same way Israeli's are. It is unffair to give more power to a culture that has been less years in those lands than to the ones who have been there for a lifetime.

domingo, 2 de marzo de 2014

Women in Saudi Arabia Demand End of Male Control

Women in Saudi Arabia Demand End of Male Control
Picture taken from
Citation: No Author. "Woman in Saudi Arabia Demand End of Male Control." Aljazeera. Disqus. 2 March 2014. Web. 2 March 2014. <>

Women in Saudi Arabia are showing their discomformity with the amount of power men. Ladies in this middle eastern country are blocked from many of the activities that are considered normal in the United States or Latin America. These women are not allowed to drive, to leave class with a permission of their guardian and neither to travel alone. A group of activists showed their position about this by proposing a more free policy for Saudi Arabian women. These activists presented the proposal to let women drive but this idea was rejected by the assembly, which is made by 150 Saudi Arabian men. This country shows the lack of respect they have for women. They are treated as objects which only serve to satisfy men's needs and to procreate. This situation is not seen in any other countries because we as society have been growing up and reaching the idea that men and women must be treated equally. This country shows their low intelligent capacity and women in Saudi Arabia must do something to avoid this atrocity.

Trouble in Gaza Strip border with Israel

Trouble in Gaza Strip border with Israel

Picture taken from Aljazeera
Aljazeera is a news website which posts about international problems, specially the ones happening on the middle east. Today a new article was uploaded. This article shows how the problem in the border between Gaza and Israel appeared to be calming down but is definitely not.

MLA citation: No Author. "Israel shoots dead woman near Gaza border." Aljazeera. Disqus. 1 March 2014. Web. 1 March 2014.<>.

While reading this article, it made me think about the Israel border with Gaza conflict. It made me think about the amount of people that is being affected by this problem. Even though the West Bank, Israel and Gaza Strip had sign a truce agreement, Israel continues breaking this ceasefire agreement. While reading the article it made me think that the majority of the problem happening in the West Bank, Israel and Gaza Strip is being brough by the country of Israel. Israel is the only country who has been breaking the ceasefire policy, by shooting dead innocent people who just walk through the border. From my perspective the conflict in this zone is Israel's fault.