domingo, 16 de marzo de 2014

What is my race?

What is my race?

During my social studies class, my classmates and I had been watching some videos about what is race, and how this concept of "race" determine the lifestyles of some people. The video Power of an Illusion, shows how the white powerful ones had used biology to determine the better, greater and prettier race. This concept has affect thousands of african descendants around the whole globe. Because not being white in this society is a disadvantage. A disadvantage that will make you feel lower and less wanted and all just because you are not white.

In my case I believe I am very fortunate on being "white". Being white brings a lot of priviledges in my country. I dont really pay attention to them until I watch the video in my social studies class. But thanks that I am white, people give me more respect and importance. It is very unfortunate that in our country people pay attention tou your skin color.

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