martes, 29 de abril de 2014

Light Bulb Conspiracy

The Lightbulb Conspiracy is a documental that explains how plan obsolescense works. It starts with the introduction of a spanish man who bought a printer and the printer died. This documental also shows how some people have show their uncomfortability about plan obsolescence. One was a guy that bought an ipod and its battery lasted much less than the normal. The company answer that it was impossible to help him out so the guy decided to sue.

This plan obsolescense has become part of our life. Every time you want to change something every time a new product comes out to market. You every time want the latest product, with the best technology, with the new design, but really you dont know you are being cheated. The companies create new products because their previous products are designed to last a small period of time. When this products die there will be the latest product for you to buy and replace the previous one. The companies manage their products to be fragile and small lasting. We have to prevent this world disease enter our homes. How can we do it? Preventing ourselves from buying unnecessary products. Remember the guy from the printer? Well, he contacted various printer workers and all of them told him to buy a new one. He decided not to fall in plan obsolescense hands and found out on internet that the printer has a chip which counts the printed copies. He removed that chip and now his printer works perfectly.

domingo, 27 de abril de 2014

The Four Horsemen

The Four Horsemen

Añadir leyenda
The four horsemen is a documentary which predicts the fall of the American Empire. This documentary says the American Empire is about to fall because of the signs it has given. The age of luxury has given the bases to the fall of this empire. As Ghandi said, there is enough for everybody's need, but not for their greed. In the other side the document says that each empire has their time period, and according to history its peroid is about to end. With the fall of the American Empire, my country, Colombia will be affected. Colombia is converting into US's puppet. The United States wants to be part in everything in our country, acting like they are doing us a favor, when in reality they are making us fall with them too.  Our economy will start to fall, but I believe we will stabilize really fast because we are not yet completely managed by them.

Following, I attatch a synopsis of the documentary.

viernes, 4 de abril de 2014

Colombian Monetary System

Colombian Monetary System

The Colombian Monetary System is run by the Central Bank, commonly called ¨ El Banco de la República¨. This powerful organization is in charge of the following:

1. Give out the cash.
2. Control the amount of money available. (Selling and buying OMAS)
3. Supervise the banking system.

¨El Banco de la República no forma parte de ninguna de las ramas del poder publico.¨ (Source 1). The previous quote means that the Banco de la República operates by themselves. They are not part of any public sector, which means it is corrupt free. The Banco de la República is a state entity which is autonomous of the other entities and analyzes by themselves the patterns of the Colombian economy.The Federal Reserve and the Banco de la República operate in a very similar way. Both of them have the same process in which they save a small amount of their deposit and back that amount with cash. The rest of the deposit is freed to the community in order to let the money and the economy flow.

MLA Citation
1. Quiquexxx. "Sistema Monetario Colombiano." Buenas Tareas. Buenas Tareas, Nov. 2009. Web. 04 Apr. 2014. <>.

2. Melendez, Inocencio J. "Análisis Del Sistema Monetario En Colombia. Inocencio Meléndez Julio." Análisis Del Sistema Monetario En Colombia. Inocencio Meléndez Ju... Slide Share, 09 Mar. 2013. Web. 04 Apr. 2014. <>.

Fractional Reserve Banking

What is the Fractional Reserve Banking?

During the past and this week, we have seen in our Social Studies class a video that explains how the economic sector works in the United States. The Fractional Reserve Banking is one organization of the United States economy which assures the effectivity of the money flowing along the country. The Fractional Reserve Banking  is a banking system in which a fraction of the bank´s deposits is retained and sustained by the same amount of money. The other amount of the deposit has no support in cash.

This is done to expand the country´s economy by setting free some capital that can be loaned to more people and gain more money through the interests rate. Most of the countries in the world operate under the system of the Fractional Reserve Banking. During the Great Depressions many banks collapsed because all the people simultaneously tried to retire their money from their accounts. This is what the Fractional Reserve Banking tries to prevent.

MLA Citation:
N.A. ¨Fractional Reserve Banking¨ Investopedia. Investopedia US. Not specified. Web. 4 April                       <2014.>

martes, 1 de abril de 2014

Gaza Tunnels

The border between the Gaza Strip and Egypt is connected through some tunnels. Through these tunnels equipment, food, medicines, and helping people enter Gaza to try to help this people who are fighting for their lifes. The Gaza government is not incharge of these tunnels, Egypt is the country running these tunnels out.

The Egyptian government has decided the enclosure of this tunnels. Many people are being affected by this decision. Through the Gaza tunnel, life in this country was somehow better in their often misery. People worked in the entrance of the tunnel by recieving what was sent and earned a fairly good salary. Now that the tunnels are being shut down the Gaza residents are concerned about how are they going to be able to find the medicines they need.

Egypt's decision on closing the tunnels I belive is very unfair. The Gaza community needs the tunnels to survive, to have a better life. Egypt is wrong if they believe that closing the tunnels will help. The tunnels should not be shut down.

MLA citation:O'Connor, Nigel. "Gaza Tunnel Enclosures Add to Economic Crisis." Aljazeera. Disqus. 1 March 2014. Web. 1 March 2014. <>

Race, Food Inc., and Econimic Hitmen


Economic Hitmen, race, and Food Inc. Are three documentals which are very similar. The three of the documentals show the types of power that run our society and world. The food corporation uses many techniques the EHM use. And both of these sectors use the race in their own benefit. The food and EHM are two corporations that run our world. The Food Inc. needs low hand job in order to make their products really low priced. They use race to make their processes efficient. They use less developed countries to situate their companies and make really low wages that wont give them any loss, instead it would give them more earnings. They also use the race stereotyping by hiring "mexicans", "asians", "latinos" and "negros" to do the nasty job "whites" would not do. The food corporation and ECH use equal techniques. They focus on the weak ones to expand their power. ECH focus on the less developed countries such as the Latin American ones and make them owe the US by using their building, and democratic techniques. The same way is with the food inc. they use farmers to produce their goods and maje them owe by using their products. All of this corporations are running our world by taking advantage of race and power. They do not care for the future and benefit of the people they are selling their stuff. They just care for money, they want to be earning everytime a little more. They do not care if they are killing our society.