martes, 29 de abril de 2014

Light Bulb Conspiracy

The Lightbulb Conspiracy is a documental that explains how plan obsolescense works. It starts with the introduction of a spanish man who bought a printer and the printer died. This documental also shows how some people have show their uncomfortability about plan obsolescence. One was a guy that bought an ipod and its battery lasted much less than the normal. The company answer that it was impossible to help him out so the guy decided to sue.

This plan obsolescense has become part of our life. Every time you want to change something every time a new product comes out to market. You every time want the latest product, with the best technology, with the new design, but really you dont know you are being cheated. The companies create new products because their previous products are designed to last a small period of time. When this products die there will be the latest product for you to buy and replace the previous one. The companies manage their products to be fragile and small lasting. We have to prevent this world disease enter our homes. How can we do it? Preventing ourselves from buying unnecessary products. Remember the guy from the printer? Well, he contacted various printer workers and all of them told him to buy a new one. He decided not to fall in plan obsolescense hands and found out on internet that the printer has a chip which counts the printed copies. He removed that chip and now his printer works perfectly.

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